Friday, October 29, 2010

Clover Passes Muster

Today Julie, Laureen and I tried out the new vegetarian fast food place Clover.  The same people have been selling food at MIT.  They must have made a lot of money to afford the Holyoke Center space, the space formerly occupied by Harvard Real Estate. They did a great job renovating.  They also did a great job making our lunch.  I had the eggplant & Egg sandwhich;  Julie and Laureen had the chickpea patty sandwhich, which they raved about.  The sandwhiches come in whole-wheat pita pockets and are full of interesting stuff; picles, carmelized onions. etc.  The coffee was good too.
I look forward to trying the pear & parsnip soup and the cranberry lemonade.  I do wonder why if they are called Clover, their tee shirts picture an apple core.

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